Mental Health

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“I don't feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning."

― Michel Foucault, French philosopher and social theorist


Mental Health

Mental health is physical health

Mental Disorders

Background and History of Mental Health in Singapore

Issues Faced by People with Mental Health Issues

Issue 1:

Existing Resources

Gaps and Their Causes

Possible Solutions


Resource Directory


Tapestry Project

An independent, not-for-profit website that champions mental health recovery through the power of story. Link here.

Our Grandfather Story

Financial Support

Zen Dylan Koh and his mother.

The Zen Dylan Koh Fund - A fund that supports youths with mental health issues in need of therapy.

Voluntary Welfare Organisations

Free Counselling & Assessments

Care Corner Counselling Centre,1800-3535-800 (Mon-Sun, 10am-10pm):

CHAT (youth aged 16 to 30) :

Silver Ribbon (Singapore), 6386 1928:

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), 1800 283 7019:

AMKFSC - Psychological Services Unit (PSU)

AMKFSC - MindCare


Provides counselling for women over a range of issues, here.


Clarity Singapore


Samaritans of Singapore

Silver Ribbon

Singapore Association for Mental Health

WE CARE Community Services
