Mental Health

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“I don't feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning."

― Michel Foucault, French philosopher and social theorist

There is no health without mental health.


Mental Health

According to the WHO (2018), mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual can:

  • Realise his/her abilities
  • Cope with the normal stresses of life
  • Work productively
  • Have the ability to contribute to the community

Mental Disorders

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a mental disorder is characterised by clinically significant disturbances in a person’s behaviour, thinking or feeling that suggest dysfunction in psychological, biological or developmental processes underlying mental functioning.

Mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress or disability in social, occupational or other important activities.

As a rule of thumb, it satisfies three criteria:

  • Deviance : Serious deviation from the social norms of the culture
  • Distress : Causes significant personal distress in social, occupational or other recreational activities
  • Dysfunction : Behaviour which interferes with the ability of a person to function effectively

Background and History of Mental Health in Singapore

Important Statistics

According to findings from the Singapore Mental Health Study (2016):

  • Comparing with the 2010 study, there was an increase in lifetime prevalence of mental illness from 12% in 2010 to 13.9% in 2016.
  • 1 in 7 people in Singapore has experienced these disorders in their lifetime ( __% of the adult population 18y/o and above):
    • Mood disorders: Major depressive disorder (6.3%), bipolar disorder (1.6%)
    • Anxiety disorders: Obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder (OCD+GAD = 4.8%)
    • Alcohol use disorders: Alcohol abuse/dependence
  • Those aged 18 – 34 years, divorced or separated were more likely to have mood disorders
  • Alcohol Abuse and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder are highly common in Singapore.

Issues Faced by People with Mental Health Issues

Issue 1:

Existing Resources

Gaps and Their Causes

Possible Solutions

Resource Directory


Hotline / Helpline  Who is it for?   Day   Times   Telephone  
Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)  Anybody in crisis and the suicidal.  Daily  24 hours  1800 – 2214444 
Mental Health Helpline  Those suffering from psychological and psychiatric problems  Daily  24 hours  6389-2222 
SAMH Helpline  For people who have psychological, psychiatric or social problem and others who need information on services for such persons  Mon – Fri  9am – 5pm  1800 – 2837019 
Hotline 800  Mandarin speaking community with family marital and personal problem  Mon – Sun  10am – 9pm  1800 - 3535800 
AMP Hotline  Malay / Muslim families in crisis or those who need help  Mon – Fri  10am – 5pm  6416-3960 
Club HEAL  For Malay / Muslim individuals or families  who require assistance with or support for mental health concerns  Mon – Fri  9am – 5pm  6899-3463 
Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA)  Indian families in need of assistance or counselling  Mon – Fri 


9am – 5pm

9am – 1pm 

Aware Helpline  Women with a variety of concerns  Mon – Fri  3pm – 9.30pm  1800-774-5935 
Counselling & Care Centre  For individuals, couple and families experiencing psychological, marital or family problems  Mon – Fri  8.30am – 5pm  6536-63

Voluntary Welfare Organisations

Free Counselling & Assessments

Care Corner Counselling Centre,1800-3535-800 (Mon-Sun, 10am-10pm):

CHAT (youth aged 16 to 30) :

Silver Ribbon (Singapore), 6386 1928:

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), 1800 283 7019:

AMKFSC - Psychological Services Unit (PSU)

AMKFSC - MindCare


Provides counselling for women over a range of issues, here.


Clarity Singapore


Samaritans of Singapore

Silver Ribbon

Singapore Association for Mental Health

WE CARE Community Services



Tapestry Project

  • An independent, not-for-profit website that champions mental health recovery through the power of story. Link here.

Our Grandfather Story

Financial Support

Zen Dylan Koh and his mother.

The Zen Dylan Koh Fund - A fund that supports youths with mental health issues in need of therapy.
