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* Peer influence, feel that it helps youth to relax and de-stress from their school work etc; important part of social life
* Social acceptability of drinking; modelling of parent behavior
* Accessibility of alcoholic beverages
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Anecdotes and discussion on reasons for drinking [To insert into discussion page?]
* - Mostly all underage drinkers are caused by their peers around them having peer influencing an individual to join them for a drink. Which youth gather together to have a drink and to have fun that helps the youth to feel relax and escape their stress from their school work etc. In addition, it reduces their inhibited that makes an individual feel at ease when socialising with their friends, chatting and having fun while drinking.
* - Next, one of the main reasons is a growing tolerance for social drinking. Nowadays, it's not uncommon for adults to drink socially in front of children. Hence, this set of behavior will make children think that it is alright to drink as well. This causes them to model their parents behaviour which causes drinking from a young age.
* {My parents are non-alcoholic drinkers but my relatives are like any other typical Singaporean uncles and aunties who loves to consume alcohol even when there is no special occasions like Chinese New Year. As such, I started to learn to drink as there will be many leftover beer cans at home which look tempting to me as I have always wondered what's so nice/interesting about beer that my relative loves to consume them as much as I love coke. I tried it and it somehow got to me that there is nothing nice about it but something about it just make me feel so calmed. This lead me to getting addicted to drinking when I was in secondary 4. I would drink every night at home to calm my mind from all the stress and worries I have to deal with during the day due to the preparation of my major exams, O Levels. After a few months of that routine, I found that I would feel light-headed frequently and would faint out of nowhere even if I had eaten. My parents bought me to the doctor and found out that I have very low blood sugar due to the amount of alcohol in my body.}
* - Parent’s neglect of their child’s adolescence period. During the adolescence period, teens tend to be more sensitive when they are not able to receive the attention they needed their parents. They will then try to be problematic and cause trouble for themselves or for parents, usually so that they will get their parents’ attention. Thereupon, parents should pay more attention to their child especially during adolescence, and monitor their child activities at all time. [need reference]
* - Furthermore, if a child does not receive the affection and attention they seek from their parents or family, they will turn to their friends as an "alternate" family and seek guidance from them. If the friends they mix with are a bad crowd that participate in deviant activities like underage drinking, the child is more likely to participate in them as well to fit in with the friend group.
* {My friend who was 16 at the time had been pressured into underage drinking at her void deck. She was accompanied by two boys that were 18 and felt the need to fit in by drinking with them. Underage drinking is already illegal in itself, but so is drinking in public. She did not care for the consequences as she was too worried about being left out.}
* [https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/underagedrinking/underagefact.htm <nowiki>[1]</nowiki>]
* - Also, alcohol is easily accessible. Even convenient stores such as 7-Eleven have alcohol for sale. It is not tough for these youths to get them as they are able to ask their legal-age friends to purchase it for them.
* - In addition, it is due to the curiosity. They are interested or have a desire to find out what it feels like to be high or intoxicated causing them to have the first drink. Subsequently, this behaviour when not monitored will lead to alcohol abuse. [need reference]
* - Ease of applying for credit cards as means to sustain drinking habit. There are even credit companies that do not require adult consent for those aged 18 to apply. Thus, this will cause youths to spend more money on drinking. [need reference]
* -There also has been an increasing number of night spots in Singapore. This outlets may become areas for youths to socialise and there is a likelihood that they will drink. [need reference]
* https://drugfree.org/parent-blog/top-8-reasons-teens-try-alcohol-drugs/ Popular media. A lot of shows portray actors and idols drinking. Youths would be compelled to mimic them as well. An avenue to relieve stress. Some teens face problems and emotional struggles in their growing years and they turn to drinking to alleviate their worries, escape reality and make them feel good. Boredom. They seek fulfilment in their lives. Some might turn to turn to drinking and similar youths to fill the emptiness within themselves. Rebellion. Instant gratification. They enjoy immediate stimulants and temporary happiness. Lack of self-confidence. http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/worry-over-young-binge-drinkers a way to break away from insecurities and enjoy themselves. Misinformation. Wrong information spread to the teen by peers. Hence, they do not know the real consequences of drinking.
===== Rehabilitation Programmes =====
===== Rehabilitation Programmes =====

Revision as of 06:08, 21 April 2020


This overview provides a synopsis of the current knowledge base. Having considered all the information, we make sense of it by taking a stab at the following: 1) What are the priority issues that deserve attention, 2) What are opportunity areas that community or voluntary organisations can already take action on, and 3) What knowledge gaps deserve further investigation?

Priority Issues

  • [to insert]
  • to insert]

Actionable Opportunity Areas

  • [to insert]
  • [to insert]

Knowledge Gaps

  • [to insert]
  • [to insert]


Substance Abuse

  • [Insert definitions of different types of substances, eg Drugs, Alcohol, Glue?]
  • [insert]

Key Statistics & Figures

  • Synopsis: Although there has been a decrease of drug abusers in Singapore, there has been an increase of youth substance abuses cases and majority of those arrested were under 30 years old.

Drug Abuse Trends

  • According to the drug situation report (2016) [1] CNB arrested a total of 3,265 drug abusers in 2016. This was a 2% decrease from the 3,343 drug abusers arrested in 2015. While the number of repeat drug abusers arrested decreased by 6%, from 2,034 in 2015 to 1,917 in 2016, the number of new drug abusers arrested increased by 3%, from 1,309 in 2015 to 1,348 last year. Close to two-thirds of new abusers arrested were youths under 30 years of age.
  • There are 151 young Singaporeans studying in primary to tertiary public educational institution caught for drug offences in 2016. There are 124 being caught in 2015 and 83 in 2014. With that, we can tell that as the years goes by, there are more and more numbers of youths in Singapore who are involved in substance abuse.

Youth Drug Abuse Trends

  • According to CNB, 3,245 drug abusers were arrested last year, a 3 per cent decrease from the year before. The number of repeat drug abusers arrested also went down 7 per cent from 2,034 in 2015 to 1,898 last year.
  • However, the number of new drug abusers arrested rose 3 per cent to 1,347 from 2015's 1,309. Among the new abusers arrested, close to two-thirds were below 30 years old, according to the latest statistics.
  • About 41 per cent of the total drug abusers arrested last year were under 30, CNB figures showed.http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/fewer-drug-abusers-arrested-in-2016-but-more-new-drug-abusers-ca-7592594
  • [Knowledge Gap: To indicate the percentage of youths in Singapore who are involved in substance abuse. It would be good to compare the percentage with those in other countries. To insert a comparison table, possible elsewhere and link to that page]
    • Nearly 70 per cent of new drug abusers arrested in 2015 were aged below 30. The average age of drug dependency in South Africa is 12 years old and dropping. However, maybe South Africa should not be compared to Singapore since it's not doing as well as Singpore , thus it is normal to see South Africa having more youth involved in substance abuse. However when we look COMPARE Australia. Australia has seen 12–17 year-olds were drinking alcohol and the proportion abstaining from alcohol significantly increased from 2013 to 2016 (from 72% to 82%). Thus this shows youths in Singapore involved in substance abuse is still lower compared to other countries that are doing as well as Singapore such as Australia. (Perpetua response) http://darta.net.au/category/new-research-and-statistics/
    • "5-19 years old group has the claim of drug use; more males than females who are drug users and drug rehabilitation centres claim that majority of clients belong to age group of 25-29 years old. According to the SWS survey, 1996- 1.5M youth Filipinos and 1997- grew into 2.1M youth Filipinos are into substance abuse " https://politicsmeanspolitics.com/why-majority-of-drug-users-in-philippines-is-youth-57f323707e2d
    • "While there are no accurate statistics available, it is estimated by Dangerous Drugs Board as many as 3.7 millions in the Philippines are dealing with drug addiction just a year 2016, 65 percent of it -is young people. "
    • http://www.doh.gov.ph/adolescent-and-youth-health-program All in all, we are able to see that there is a huge difference when we compare the number of youth drug offenders in Singapore against Philippines. It is because of the difference in population in both countries which contributed in such difference in number. However, it can be seen in the statics of both countries which shows that there is a rising numbers of youth who are abusing substance.
  • Incidences of Violence related to Drug Abuse:

Binge and Underage Drinking

  • The legal drinking age in Singapore is 18 years. However, this time we do not have an accurate estimate of underage drinking in the country, but there is a vague but general sense of unease that it might be fairly pervasive. The dire consequences of early heavy drinking in the young can happen even before it develops into a disorder. Underaged drinking increased risks of fatal accident, self-harm, violent behaviour, criminality, unprotected sex, teenage pregnancy - and for girls, of being sexually assaulted. Heavy drinking over time damages the adolescent brain more than the adult brain and makes them less able to curb cravings for alcohol. This may explain why people who begin drinking at an early age are at greater risk of becoming alcoholics. References: http://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/keeping-an-eye-on-underage-drinking
  • For alcohol consumption in Singapore, the legal age is 18 years old. Despite having the heavy law enforced in Singapore there’s still the number of underage drinking happening. The WHO study of 2004 has found out that 73.5% of males and 64.5% of the female between age 15 and 19 years old drank alcohol. When underage drinker is intoxicated they are more likely to be involved in the acts of vandalism and other serious crimes that they might commit with their friends. Underage drinking can cause impulsive act which the number of youth are getting into violent in fights which seem to be on the rise. Which during 2014, there at 322 underage drinkers were arrested for rioting that the percentage jump from 18.8% 2013. Seeing the statistics of American underage drinking, according to 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the estimated number of Americans between the age of 12 to 20 are reporting so alcohol consumption of underage drinking. Which this represents about nearly 20% of the age group who consume alcohol illegally. References: http://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/more-young-people-singapore-turning-violence

Map of Key Needs & Issues

[This table and arrows acts as a kind of visual map that allows a sense of sequencing; of the broad preconditions necessary for longer term outcomes to be achieved. Hyperlink the categories below to the specific page or sub-header in the page for easy navigation, so that you can click on 'Employment' below for example, and get straight to that page / segment]

Click the links below to go directly to specific areas of interest:

Community Integration
Social Inclusion
Family & Caregiving
Financial Independence


  • If there are population segments that have substantial enough information or interest, then create sub-pages for them. e.g. 'Autism' can be a stand alone pages linked to the Disability pages if the autism community is keen to populate more autism specific information. Or, artists with disability can populate a 'Arts & Disability' page.
  • Insert links to these sub-pages.

Areas of Needs / Desired Outcomes

Drug Abuse

  • Desired Outcome: [To insert]
  • Synopsis: [To insert]
  • Statistics: [To insert]
Existing Programmes Gaps & Their Causes Possible Solutions

Education Campaigns

Youth's Liberal Attitudes towards Drug Use

From a survey, it concluded that more young people have liberal attitude towards drugs. The 'Youth Perception Survey' revealed that 58% of young people said that they learnt about drug-related content via social media. The survey also showed that there is a increase in the proportion of young people who perceived cannabis as a popular drug of abuse, with number standing at 35%, up from 17% in 2013. (http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/more-young-people-have-liberal-attitude-towards-drugs-survey)

Due to Legalisation of Cannabis in other countries

the most common drug clients turn to - online buying on social media has made it easy. A Facebook page seen by The Straits Times had sellers openly advertising drugs such as ecstasy and cannabis to a group of over 1,200 members. Media:http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/more-singapore-youth-seeking-help-for-cannabis-abuse


The Government's Task Force on Youth and Drugs commissioned a survey in 2015, which found that cannabis abusers came from either middle or high socio-economic households, unlike Ice abusers, who tended to come from lower-income backgrounds. The survey - which polled 700 young people aged between 12 and 29, including more than 200 drug abusers - found that a high proportion of cannabis abusers did well in school and only a small proportion had parents with drug histories.[Media:http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/abusers-getting-more-brazen]

Prevention Programmes
  • insert
  • insert
Rehabilitation Programes
  • insert
  • insert
Category C Programmes
  • insert
  • insert

Alcohol Abuse & Underage Drinking

  • Desired Outcome: [To insert]
  • Synopsis: [To insert]
    • Consequences of binge drinking: School problems, such as higher absence and poor or failing grades -Social problems, like fighting and lack of participation in youth activities -Legal problems, such as arrest for driving or physically hurting someone while drunk -Physical problems, such as hangovers or illnesses -Unwanted, unplanned, and unprotected sexual activity due to unconsciousness -Disruption of normal growth and sexual development as well as changes in brain development -Physical and sexual assault -Higher risk for suicide and homicide -Alcohol-related car crashes and other unintentional injuries, such as burns, falls, and drowning -Memory problems -Death from alcohol poisoning -Development of physical and emotional dependency on alcohol [1]
  • Statistics: [To insert]
    • Binge drinking: In Singapore, binge drinking is more common among 18 to 29 year olds—18.7% of men and 12.2% of women. In 2010, the Singapore Mental Health Study found that about 3.5% of our citizens suffered from alcohol abuse at some point in their lives and 0.5% from alcohol addiction (or alcoholism). The WHO study of 2004 found that 73.5% of males and 64.5% of females aged 15 and 19 years of age drank alcohol. Studies show that underage drinkers who start drinking before age 15 years are six times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after age 21 years. Youths should therefore stay alcohol-free and be made aware of the consequences of drinking at an early age.
    • Violence and underage drinking: At Singapore's largest addiction treatment centre, the National Addictions Management Service (NAMS), counsellors saw 433 new cases from April 2014 to March 2015, compared with 415 cases a year earlier. In 2010, there were approximately 189,000 emergency rooms visits by people under age 21 in the U.S for injuries and other conditions linked to alcohol. This is because alcohol use directly affects cognitive and physical function. Hazardous alcohol use can reduce self-control and the ability to process incoming information and assess risks and makes them more likely to resort to violence in confrontation. Similarly, reduced physical control and ability to recognize warning signs in potentially dangerous situations can make some drinkers easy targets for perpetrators.
Existing Programmes Gaps & Their Causes Possible Solutions
  • Peer influence, feel that it helps youth to relax and de-stress from their school work etc; important part of social life
  • Social acceptability of drinking; modelling of parent behavior
  • Accessibility of alcoholic beverages
Prevention Programmes
  • insert
  • insert

Anecdotes and discussion on reasons for drinking [To insert into discussion page?]

  • - Mostly all underage drinkers are caused by their peers around them having peer influencing an individual to join them for a drink. Which youth gather together to have a drink and to have fun that helps the youth to feel relax and escape their stress from their school work etc. In addition, it reduces their inhibited that makes an individual feel at ease when socialising with their friends, chatting and having fun while drinking.
  • - Next, one of the main reasons is a growing tolerance for social drinking. Nowadays, it's not uncommon for adults to drink socially in front of children. Hence, this set of behavior will make children think that it is alright to drink as well. This causes them to model their parents behaviour which causes drinking from a young age.
  • {My parents are non-alcoholic drinkers but my relatives are like any other typical Singaporean uncles and aunties who loves to consume alcohol even when there is no special occasions like Chinese New Year. As such, I started to learn to drink as there will be many leftover beer cans at home which look tempting to me as I have always wondered what's so nice/interesting about beer that my relative loves to consume them as much as I love coke. I tried it and it somehow got to me that there is nothing nice about it but something about it just make me feel so calmed. This lead me to getting addicted to drinking when I was in secondary 4. I would drink every night at home to calm my mind from all the stress and worries I have to deal with during the day due to the preparation of my major exams, O Levels. After a few months of that routine, I found that I would feel light-headed frequently and would faint out of nowhere even if I had eaten. My parents bought me to the doctor and found out that I have very low blood sugar due to the amount of alcohol in my body.}
  • - Parent’s neglect of their child’s adolescence period. During the adolescence period, teens tend to be more sensitive when they are not able to receive the attention they needed their parents. They will then try to be problematic and cause trouble for themselves or for parents, usually so that they will get their parents’ attention. Thereupon, parents should pay more attention to their child especially during adolescence, and monitor their child activities at all time. [need reference]
  • - Furthermore, if a child does not receive the affection and attention they seek from their parents or family, they will turn to their friends as an "alternate" family and seek guidance from them. If the friends they mix with are a bad crowd that participate in deviant activities like underage drinking, the child is more likely to participate in them as well to fit in with the friend group.
  • {My friend who was 16 at the time had been pressured into underage drinking at her void deck. She was accompanied by two boys that were 18 and felt the need to fit in by drinking with them. Underage drinking is already illegal in itself, but so is drinking in public. She did not care for the consequences as she was too worried about being left out.}
  • [1]
  • - Also, alcohol is easily accessible. Even convenient stores such as 7-Eleven have alcohol for sale. It is not tough for these youths to get them as they are able to ask their legal-age friends to purchase it for them.
  • - In addition, it is due to the curiosity. They are interested or have a desire to find out what it feels like to be high or intoxicated causing them to have the first drink. Subsequently, this behaviour when not monitored will lead to alcohol abuse. [need reference]
  • - Ease of applying for credit cards as means to sustain drinking habit. There are even credit companies that do not require adult consent for those aged 18 to apply. Thus, this will cause youths to spend more money on drinking. [need reference]
  • -There also has been an increasing number of night spots in Singapore. This outlets may become areas for youths to socialise and there is a likelihood that they will drink. [need reference]
  • https://drugfree.org/parent-blog/top-8-reasons-teens-try-alcohol-drugs/ Popular media. A lot of shows portray actors and idols drinking. Youths would be compelled to mimic them as well. An avenue to relieve stress. Some teens face problems and emotional struggles in their growing years and they turn to drinking to alleviate their worries, escape reality and make them feel good. Boredom. They seek fulfilment in their lives. Some might turn to turn to drinking and similar youths to fill the emptiness within themselves. Rebellion. Instant gratification. They enjoy immediate stimulants and temporary happiness. Lack of self-confidence. http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/worry-over-young-binge-drinkers a way to break away from insecurities and enjoy themselves. Misinformation. Wrong information spread to the teen by peers. Hence, they do not know the real consequences of drinking.
Rehabilitation Programmes
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Singapore
  • National Addictions Management Service
  • WE CARE Community Services Limited
  • Teen Challenge Singapore
  • The National Addiction Management Services
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Category C Programmes
  • insert
  • insert
Information to integrate to above:

Subjective Concerns about Underage Drinking -There are different views on underage drinking with parents supervision. Some people from a Singapore forum known as Reddit Singapore, think that as long as there is parent supervision, there is no problem as the parent can help if any situation arise. Furthermore, drinking wine has proved to be good for health when consumed correctly. For example, my friend's uncle approved of underage drinking with supervision and moderate consumption as it is said to reduce risk of developing and dying from heart disease. A Singaporean parent claim that it does not serves as a problem, so long that the child understands the effects and consequences of drinking in a forum.

- Whereas, others in the forum called Reddit Singapore, disagree in underage drinking with parents supervision. My primary school friend's mother refuses to allow underage drinking for their children in fear that my friend might get addicted and binge on alcohol, even with supervision. Over consumption of alcohol can cause damaging effects to kidney, and even death.Therefore, parents do not allow underage drinking even with supervision.

- Another issue is the age that youth first drinks alcohol. In America, the average age for a girl and boy to consume their first alcohol is 13 and 11 respectively. They begin drinking regularly at an average age of 15.9 years. In Singapore, the average age that youths started drinking is about 12 to 13 years old. It is similar to the result from America. Many youths are starting alcohol on a very young age nowadays. In Straits Times, a senior director for youth services at the Singapore Children's Society, say that the reason this occurs is due to adults constantly drinking in front of youths. This can be a case of influence from families. Families are the primary agents of socialisation. Thus, children will follow their parents' examples.

- Ms Lena Teo, assistant director of counselling at the Children-at-Risk Empowerment Association (Care Singapore), says that the accessibility of alcohol in Singapore is a reason when interviewed by Straits Times. Although the legal age to buy alcohol is 18, youths now have found a way to gain access to alcohol. They will seek help from their peers who are of the legal age, and get alcohol from them. They may even give an excuse, stating that their mother need wine for cooking. There are many places to gain alcohol in Singapore due to the increasing night clubs and shops selling alcohol.

- My secondary school friend thinks that youths who drink are "cool". Many people are drinking alcohol, thus it is seen as a "trend" to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol makes them feel like an "adult". They want to gain recognition from their peers as a youth, especially if they are not given attention from their families. Thus, they might drink to impress their friends by drinking alcohol as it is "cool".

-Drinking alcohol is not necessary bad but it should not be abused. Children should know the limit of drinking alcohol such as how much will caused them to be drunk. Exposing children to alcohol since young is also good as this cause their tolerance level to be higher and girls will be taken advantage easily by others when drinking alcohol

- Another concern that the people have is the dangers of underage drinking. For example, my parent might think that underage drinking can cause accidents to happen. As the youths are not sober enough, they are more prone to making mistakes. For example, they may cross the road without looking for cars, which can cause a fatal car accident to occur. Others think that it can lead to a mistake such as having sexual intercourse due to the heat of the moment. Hence, parents might fear that their child may make mistakes that cannot be reverse due to drinking.

http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/social-workers-sound-alert-on-new-generation-of-young-drinkers https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/the-dangers-of-teenage-drinking.htm#early

- Upon asking my parents and gathering their concerns on the matter, i discovered that most of their concerns were that we might end up ruining our life or suffer from alcohol related diseases. As a parent, they fear that we might get drawn into drinking alcohol and get addicted to it due to peer pressure. The need to "fit in" or "depression" can lead to teens drinking alcohol which has multiple negative side effects, such as liver cancer as stated from https://www.knowyourlimits.info/know%E2%80%A6-effects-alcohol, if abused. In addition to this, they also fear that we may end up having jail time, which can affect our abilities to find jobs, just like Favian Kang Kok Boon, cited from http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/lawyer-gets-jail-fine-and-ban-for-2nd-drink-driving-offence.

[Insert Need Area / Desired Outcome]

  • Desired Outcome: [To insert]
  • Synopsis: [To insert]
  • Statistics: [To insert]
Existing Programmes Gaps & Their Causes Possible Solutions
Category A Programmes
Category B Programmes
Category C Programmes

Resource Directory


Some MISC info to sort & insert

Rise in Incidences of Violence Related to Drug Abuse

The use of alcohol and drugs can negatively affect all aspects of a person’s life, impact their family, friends and community, and place an enormous burden on American society. One of the most significant areas of risk with the use of alcohol and drugs is the connection between alcohol, drugs and crime.

Alcohol and drugs are implicated in an estimated 80% of offenses leading to incarceration in the United States such as domestic violence, driving while intoxicated, property offenses, drug offenses, and public-order offenses.

Our nation’s prison population has exploded beyond capacity and most inmates are in prison, in large part, because of substance abuse:

• 80% of offender’s abuse drugs or alcohol. • Nearly 50% of jail and prison inmates are clinically addicted. • Approximately 60% of individuals arrested for most types of crimes test positive for illegal drugs at arrest. • Each year, more than 600,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking. • 95% of all violent crime on college campuses involves the use of alcohol by the assailant, victim or both. • 90% of acquaintance rape and sexual assault on college campuses involves the use of alcohol by the assailant, victim or both.

From the statistics present, we would agree with the statement that there is a rise in incidences of violence related to drug abuse not only in our own country but in other regions as well.



In the article above, it is said that youths lead to abuse towards parents when asking for money to cover for their substance abuse. This is an immoral behaviour that youths have adopted because of their crazy addiction.

Rise in number of new addiction cases Two hospitals here have seen more new addiction cases in recent years. From 2013 to 2014: - New cases of drug addiction rose by nearly 12% from 591 to 661. - New alcohol addiction cases rose from 415 to 433, which is about 4% increase - New gambling addiction cases rose from 418 to 526, which is about 26% increase - The number of inpatient cases (both new and repeat) with alcohol addiction rose 27%, from 259 in 2013, to 329 in 2015. [3]

  • In Singapore*

Singapore has one of the strictest laws on drug related offences which makes Singapore one of the few countries in the world that could dealt effectively with the drug problem. By having a tough legal framework against traffickers and abusers. Singapore will carry out intensive efforts to educate Singaporeans on the dangers of drug abuse — and all these are complemented by comprehensive rehabilitation measures. Such as crimes committed under the influence of drugs will be punish accordingly.

Although Singapore have low percentages of poeple committing drug related offences, there are still a small percentage of poeple who does.

I would be using the article as an clear examples of how drug can influence us and hurt people around us. [4] A 39-year-old man has been arrested for suspected drink-driving, drug-related offences and for injuring three police officers when he resisted arrest. Which shows us that drug abuser does not only harm themselves but also harm others, as the drugs will control over your mind and body. Nonetheless, Singapore Police was able to handle this solution quickly, and have charged that man for his crimes.

The Prevalence of Youth Drug Abuse based on Family History Family backgrounds such as income, parenting, and education will affect the likelihood of their children abusing drugs. Children of more affluent families may be at greater risk, of facing anxiety and depression as these children experience more pressure from family such as doing well in school and life. The pressure and isolation from parents resulted them in using drugs.


Growing up in a family that emphasizes getting "high" from legal or illegal substances can cause an adolescent to think drug use is acceptable. Mayo Clinic explains that this unhealthy family influence may be a factor in a youth's initial drug experimentation. Exposure to family members who reach for a substance to cure every pain or ailment can cause a youth to do the same. Youths get many of their values from parents and other adult influences, and often mimic what they see.

Thus, it is important for parents to set a good example and provide good guidance on shaping the lives of our young ones. Children will always look up to their grandparents,parents or even siblings and pay closely attention to their actions and tend to mimic the way they behave. They may feel that it is acceptable for them to do if their parents, siblings or grandparents have done so. This is crucial when it comes to severe matters like drinking, doing drugs or even gambling.

Genetics make up to 50% of risk for alcohol and drug usage. Children are likely to develop the same drug habits as their parents. Certain people are more prone to addiction and it could be run in the family.

- Family, parenting all gives factor to a child's mentality and behaviour. Since family is one of the first and main point of socialization, the type of parenting and guidance will affect the youths attitude. If the children have good role model parents, they will likely to follow their path considering the type f household they have. However, if children grows up in a how where he/she sees their parents doing vices (smoking, alcohol or drugs) they might get the perception that these activities are normal and alright. Although there are some research that addiction in drugs or alcohol can be inherited, huge factors come from the youth's surroundings such as peers and family. Therefore, it is important to have families that are giving correct guidance and making sure that they are displaying the correct behaviour. (e.g. personal experience : growing up in a household where vices is looked down upon too, we have the mentality not to engage in such activities as guidance is taught from young).